Know more how to differentiate your agency with other by using this guide
Acquire more clients for your agency
In this age of heavy competition, it is difficult to run businesses with a fixed mindset. One has to be different from the others in order to be ahead in the race. Your business should offer something to the clients that others do not. You can use some of the principles advocated by Dale Carnegie in his most famous book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” in your endeavor to win new clients. You should be able to arouse an eager want in your customer for them to patronize your business. This logic is a universal one. The key to success is in being different from the others. You have websites like Tribe Local that can help you differentiate your SEO agency from others.

Be different:
Old times might just remember the advertisement for a particular brand of tomato sauce that had the nation’s attention. Now, a tomato sauce is a tomato sauce. What else can it contain other than tomatoes? This advertisement changed the way people looked at tomato sauces. The ad was about two friends who were together in thick and thin. One of them always used to bring out his tomato sauce bottle from nowhere while the other used to complain, “No, not tomato sauce again.” The one-liner that grabbed the attention of people all over the country was, “It’s different.” That advertisement changed the way people perceived tomato sauces. The point we are trying to drive at is “Be different from the others, you will succeed.”

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Sign Up for FreeHow can you apply this logic to SEO?
It is perfectly right on your part to have this question in your mind. When this logic can apply to as simple a product as tomato sauces, it can apply to your SEO agency as well. Let us look at how you can be different from the others without having to break the bank.

1. Price:
No one can deny that the price of a product plays a very important role in its popularity. We are not advocating that the cheapest product is the most popular. But, among equals, price does play a role in determining your decision. Does that entail you should do your business at a loss? Far from it, we are suggesting that the SEO agency should not hesitate to pass on some portion of the benefits they get to their customers. This simple example should prove the point. Consider the case when a business approaches a directory to have a listing. Since, it is only one listing the rates would be on the higher side. At the same time, if an SEO agency approaches the same directory for say 100 listings, they get a discount. You can pass on some portion of this discount to your customer. In this way, you can be different from your competitors.
2. Offer something extra for the same price:
There are many activities where the SEO agency does not incur much cost. You can offer such activities to your customers free of cost. You can still save money because this action of yours can encourage the customers to bring in new clients. Thus, you save on marketing costs. Activities like updating and maintaining consistency of your citations should not be a tough job to offer for free. You have citation websites like Tribe Local offering such services for ridiculously low amounts.
3. Give attractive discounts:
Another way of enticing more customers is to give attractive discounts. A SEO agency can always make up for this apparent loss by a corresponding increase in the volume of transactions. There are SEO agencies that give their customers free trial offers for a small period. The customers can use their services for free during this period. They get a chance to upgrade their services on the expiry of the free period. Many businesses follow this technique. The most famous examples are the anti-virus packages you have on your computers. A majority of these packages start with an initial 15-day free usage. Once you understand the benefits of the protection, you would automatically go for the upgrade. This is also a way by which you can be different from the others.

Ready to keep your clients happy?
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Sign Up for Free4. Stick to your strengths and market them properly:
Every business has its strengths and weaknesses. Similarly, you have your strengths. Identify them and ensure that you market it with full gusto. You might be very good at writing content. Now, content is of prime importance for the success of any SEO agency. Highlight how your content can help businesses attain the top of the rankings on the SERPs. People love to see examples they can relate to. Include a couple of testimonials and positive reviews from your satisfied clients. This is one way of standing out from the others. People love to do business with the “Jack of all Trades”. But, if you are a master on a couple of them, it should do you a lot of good to market them properly.
5. Include an element of fun in your SEO agency campaign:
Laughter is the best medicine. Try to have an element of humor and fun in your campaigns. Of course, it goes without saying that you should not pass acidic or sarcastic remarks against your competitors. It backfires on you more often than not. Including an element of fun can arouse the interests of your prospective customers.

Entice your customers to bring in new clients and offer discounts and freebies. Have a contest like situation where you reward your customers that bring in the most number of referrals or leads. This can act as an inducement to your existing clients to recommend your name to others.
6. Use your clients advertising platforms to further your cause:
It is a good idea to ask your customer to include your name on their promotional material especially when their website ranks on the first page of the search engines. You should get your credit where it is due. The customers would not mind including a line or two recognizing your services to bring them to this position. If possible, have this clause inserted in your agreement or SEO agency contract with the clients. You have done your best to get a top ranking for them. They should not have any problems in returning the favor.
7. Have a unique point of view for each client:
Every client has his unique set of problems. No two clients will come to you with the same set of problems. Thus, it becomes imperative for you to have a unique solution for each of the problems they encounter. Pitch in this unique solution while marketing with your clients. Remember the one size fits all policy does not work in SEO. Our main argument is in trying to be different from the others. Follow the same principles when scouting for clients. Give them solutions that other SEO agencies would not dream to do.
8. Study the strengths and weaknesses of your clients before approaching them:
This is a very old but effective strategy. You can go one step ahead and study the weaknesses of your competitors as well. Their weakness could well prove to be your strength. Be sincere with your claims while advertising your strengths. In this world of fraud and lack of transparency, being forthright and sincere can pay dividends.
Add a bit of local flavor to your SEO campaigns. People identify with local flavors better. This example will prove your point. In case football is the favorite sport in your local area, a campaign centered on football will naturally attract more clients. You would be able to score your goals easier.
9. Provide access to quality information:
Customers appreciate quality and genuine information. Ensure that the content you use in your SEO strategy provides knowledge and information. There are people who search the internet for information alone. Include external links to reliable sources whenever you reproduce statistics. Customers would like to verify facts. Providing genuine information improves your credibility in the market.

10. Update your knowledge:
SEO is a vastly changing field. Every day, you find something new happening in SEO. It is always better to have knowledge of the latest events in this niche. Updating your knowledge base can help provide better services to your clients. If there is a need for updating the content in your client’s website, offer to do it for free. You will win more clients in this manner. These are small things, but go a long way in building effective relationships.
11. Have interactive blogs serve as an effective marketing campaign:
Every website will have a dedicated blog page where people can voice their comments, post their opinions and reviews, and so on. Make this page an interactive one where other customers can offer their comments on the opinions or points raised by contributors to the blogs. This can ensure a healthy competition. Your client also has an opportunity to participate in the discussions and market their products and services. This can get them new customers literally free of charge.
12. The social media bandwagon:
No one can ever ignore the social media as far as online marketing is concerned. Social media has a vital role to play in this aspect. Ensure that your clients have access to an effective social media campaign. Include contests and competitions in the social media campaigns. This can enhance social media engagement to high levels. This media has the highest reach. In addition, you get free access to hundreds of prospective customers if you time your social media engagement exercises to perfection.
13. Effective Communication plays a great role in your success:

Communication is an important activity of any agency, but there is a difference between communication and effective communication. Effective communication is better because is enables your client to understand what your message conveys. There are SEO agencies that have a habit of using confusing jargon while communicating with clients. You can rise above the competition by communicating in a transparent and effective manner. Your client will appreciate this fact more than anything else.
14. Do not feel shy to promote your business:
Your SEO agency does the job of marketing the websites of your clients. Hence, you should not feel shy to promote your business. This is the world of promotion. The more you promote your business, the more you will be in the limelight. There is no harm in showcasing your triumphs because you have worked hard to achieve them. Positive reviews from your clients do play a part in the promotion of your services. Use them to prove that you have the confidence to replicate the success for others.
14. Relationships do matter a lot:
You are doing business in this age where you might not even have seen who your client is. You correspond through emails and social media. But, that does not mean you should not try to improve relationships. Try to know who your clients are. Make it clear to your clients that your agency strives to improve their business and is not there to just earn money. Having personal contacts with clients is always helpful. This is useful when your clients need to make a choice between different agencies. Invariably, they go with the client with whom they share a good personal rapport. Remember, it does not cost you much to maintain relationships.
15. Remember to work WITH and not FOR your clients:
This is a psychological ploy. When you work with a client, you feel a sense of belonging to the business. You cannot expect the same level of commitment when you work for a client. Working with your client increases your participation levels and you start to look beyond the profitability factor. In doing so, you automatically feel a sense of passion that ultimately results in increasing the profitability of the company. This enables you to build meaningful relationships with your clients that work towards the benefit of both the parties.
The Bottom Line
We have seen a lot of ways by which your SEO agency van be different from the others. In this age of competition, being different is the only way you can surge ahead. The client has a lot of options on his plate. You need to provide that extra bit of spark that others do not. This can play a great role in the success of your SEO agency.