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About Justia lawyer Directory

Justia lawyer directory is one of the biggest free online directories that provide one stop source for detailed and authenticated profiles of lawyers, law firms, legal aid organizations and non-profit legal service in the United States. It helps client find lawyers and such organizations based on their areas of practice and their location. The website uses IP Geolocation technology for faster results pertaining to that of information entered by the user in the search box. No information of client is saved on the website or sold to the third party. It gives cost effective, stronger and wider publicity to the lawyers who setup their profiles on Justia Lawyer Directory. This directory has thousands of profiles of lawyers and law firms from all the states of United States. Law firms also get to advertise their organization to get the attention of wider client base, helping them to expand further.

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Which category does Justia lawyer Directory help?

Justia Lawyer Directory is the place where the client meets the lawyer or finds information about desired law firm based on the fields of specialization he is looking for, on the paid or Pro Bono basis and around the place of his location. It provides a free of cost platform to the lawyers, law firms, legal aid organizations and non-profit legal services for networking and business expansion. Any organization can claim multiple profiles for his organization. Clients also get multiple profiles at one place relating to his interest. This helps him to decide for better legal help and fair cost comparison. For any new client or legal entity, this is good opportunity to do business.

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How can Justia lawyer Directory help your business?

Today the expansion of any business is entirely depended on it wide reaches towards en masse. Superpages is a local information based yellow pages service that not only provides the service but also guarantees the quality of it because it is the interfacing entity between the two parties involved in any business. As for advertising purposes, businesses receive a brand boost, due to the reputation of the website being that if dependable. As consumers use the SuperGuaranteeSM program, they will be asked to submit user ratings and reviews on about the service they received. This will generate more content on, providing even more relevant information for consumers as they decide where to spend their money, and delivering more traffic to SuperMedia clients. SuperMedia introduced a recession-busting Clients Local business across the country for exchanging goods and services, gaining value from excess capacity or inventory and attracting new customers through SuperTradeExchangeSM programme.

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Steps to add business to Justia lawyer Directory

Step 2: Fill in the details in Create an Account column On successful registration, following dialog box is displayed:

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Step 3: Click on Create Profile. Fill relevant information and get started. This information will be verified by the website so make sure you fill only legit information. Also, the information must be entered carefully because clients will contact you through this profile only.

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Step 4: Customize your profile as per the information required thereafter. For a wider reach, it is advised to have accounts in multiple big social media platforms to lure clients and also to let them have deeper insights in your work. Such accounts can also be linked to Justia lawyer directory.

Frequently asked questions about Justia lawyer Directory

Is it a free/paid directory?

Justia lawyer directory is the free online directory. Here no charge is ever marked on the creation, maintenance, and business through the profile. This applies same to lawyers, law firms, legal aid organizations and non-profit legal service alike.

Does it have listing specific to categories or location?

Yes. The Justia Lawyer Directory provides lawyer, legal aid & services profile listings specific to their practice area and location. The lawyer directory optimizes research, comparing, and contact of attorneys that best-fit client’s legal needs in his city-state. This directory has multiple categories of law and provides profiles from all the states of United States.

Does it contain premium listings?

Yes, Justia Lawyer Directory offers premium listings. Under such listings, the lawyers get placed in a top recommendation for any associated keyword. This gives the registered lawyers an edge over competitors by getting more exposure every time on the top of thousands of other listings. The clients since searches only for first few top profiles, this option increases the chance of services of getting hired by the client.

Can we do display ads on this directory?

Yes. The sponsored profiles are displayed in the search results of the Justia Lawyer Directory. The recurrent advertisements of the profiles not only makes the profiles recognized but also gives the idea of top lawyers and service providers in the area because of there advertisements and ranked in appearances on the basis of successful business contact with the client.

Can we add a business description like keywords, Metas, year, employee count, payment methods, menu cards, etc.?

Yes, the service provider and lawyer have to update all the associated business keywords on his profile and account for the better chances of getting listed in the returned results and also to gain client’s attention and confidence. This information also proves vital for comparing profiles and getting the idea of capabilities of the lawyer and the organization.

Does it have a verification process for adding or editing a business?

Yes, all the information relating for adding or editing a business has to be real and authenticated because the website verifies them. This is to maintain the credibility of the website, professional integrity of the associated service provider and honesty to the client seeking services.

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