Ask any Local SEO expert, and they would tell you the importance of Local SEO citations. They pretty much work as a Yellow Pages for your business, if only Yellow Pages’ power was distributed among thousands of websites, and each website had the ability to promote your business. Here, we try to do the same by answering all of the general questions surrounding the topic and especially the questions that are present on Quora so that by the time you finish reading this, you can understand, What are SEO Citations and how can they help boost my business?
What are SEO Citations and how can they help boost my business?
1. What is the best local citation listing service for local SEO?
A variety of firms provide local citation listing service for local SEO. A citation basically mentions the name address and phone number for local businesses thus impacting local search engine rankings. It can be found on local business directories, websites, apps and social media platforms as well. Local citations involve
- Major Local Business Data Platforms
- Geo/industry Specific Platforms
- The wider web include publications and blogs
These can be produced by the utilization of mechanized programming (like Moz Local), by rounding out structures on nearby business stages physically or using different techniques for PR/advertising to different stages. Citations also result in the flow of data between business data platforms

Many companies provide local citation listing service for local SEO like JC Web Pros, Bright Local and The Hoth. For more on websites and assistance on the same topic try this.
2. How do I remove multiple business addresses or locations?
Multiple business locations or addresses simply mean there is erroneous information provided on any one of the listings. This is actually a negative aspect which can lead to decrease in SERP ranking and also affect your SEO. Because when there are multiple locations listed the search engine gets confused as to which one is correct which is a pretty obvious situation in real life as well. Thus it highly likely those customers would be showered with wrong information which is the exact antithesis of what you want.
The easiest way to do so would be to log in to your Google Account and go to your listings page. Click on “manage pages”, and delete the ones you think are not required anymore. For further details click on the link mentioned below.
For further assistance on the same topic, check out the Google Page for such queries.

3. How do purely online companies get listings in Google Places, Yext, or any of those systems which help so much with link ranking? The difficulty being that an online company wouldn't necessarily have a physical address.
I agree with Tim Dawes. Google had, in fact, made it pretty clear to prohibit the listing of online companies on Google places. Because obviously, an online company does not own a physical address and Google places cannot start listing every place where a virtual company provides service to. It is like leading a nomadic life, where you don’t have a permanent residence.
But one can resort to using risky and dishonest procedures like listing the address of one of their employees as the company address which is again risky and can lead to unknown consequences.
4. What is a local listing in SEO?
The power of business development is dependent on its marketing and local listing acts as a gateway to better recognition and visibility. Local listing as the name might give you a vague idea is a list, an online database that contains your business details viz. Name, address, contact number. Let’s take up an example here. Suppose you are looking for an electronic shop. When you search on Google a plethora of options will flood your screen. Usually, the results are displayed on the top, how is this happening? The answer is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
There exist two type of business listings:- national and global. Local listing is more like a promotion of your business on various handles that redirect people to your organisation which increases your website views. The internet is a global tool now used for all sorts of purposes and plays an important role in advertising and promotions.
5. What are some directory sites that will help rank my client SEO wise?
Many users rely on Google but as Imran Dhahriar says most of them find themselves in local business directories. These local directory sites experience the largest amount of traffic and are listed by size. Google has introduced Penguin to avoid spam directories There is no such shortage of directory sites that offer client services, try to find the suitable ones. But reviews suggest directories might not be helpful for clients plus they have a bad reputation and have been penalized by Google as well. YouTube and Twitter can also be used as a directory. There is Yellow pages, Google, Yelp, Bing and many more.
To effectively use the correct directories for your business page, use directories which offer similar products or services as per your topic, this will get your website more hits, and Google will rank your website better than before.
To find out more about local directories, refer to this website.
6. Which location API is better for local searches: Yelp Fusion or Google Places?
Both are good. But Google offers a larger data set than Yelp. Google Places is available worldwide and can provide directories all over the world. Yelp is exclusively available in the USA and in countries like UK, Germany and Canada. So Yelp can be used in these places since it has gained much popularity in these countries, especially the USA with a shocking number of 105.6 million users per month. To get better reviews and ratings, Google is much more appropriate.
7. Is Yelp big in any other countries apart from the USA?
Yes! This American Multinational company has its maximum users from its root country with an astounding number of 105 .6 million monthly users. Other than that it has users in Canada, UK and Germany. Although the statistics are not fairly close to that of US. Yelp also has users from Australia, Belgium, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Switzerland, Singapore, and The Netherlands as well. But the percentage of yelp users in these countries is substantially very low.

8. Restaurant Business: Is advertising on Yelp worth the cost?
Advertising is the key to building a vast organisation. Restaurant Business advertising on Yelp depends on many factors. It depends where you put up and what is the percentage of Yelp Users are there in that area. US have the highest amount of Yelp users not closely followed by the UK, Canada and Germany. It exists in other countries as well, but the percentage is disappointingly low. In Asian countries existence of Yelp is close to 0.
Instead of advertising on a paid website, it would be more efficient to try out other means like most commonly and widely used social media. Because it is available all over the world and frankly it will allow you to reach a wider audience. Yelp would surely help to get reviews, and you should be prepared for all the negative comments that pour in, because without being said that you’ll surely enjoy the positive comment but need the strength to accept and face criticism. Yelp helps you to actively respond to all the reviews as stated by Marty Twelves. But I highly doubt it will be worth the money and effort.
9. What is the best way to fill a regional restaurant directory and review website? How would you market it to the local businesses?
Local directories are nothing but a collection of various businesses or service providers. A business can get a listing on one or many of such directories to reach out to as many people and customers they can.
Best to find Local directories which list all the local businesses is BuildFire.
But remember that Local SEO optimization or business promotion does not equal to not having good and relevant content.
10. Is it possible to make money from a local business directory website?
It is possible to make money from a local business directory website especially if you put up in a small town; it will be easy to set up a directory and list all the businesses of that area. And as Brian Madison said, niche site would be easier to SEO, so there’s that. You can earn money through ads on your directories and by offering paid listings. Some sites do offer free listings too. Many small businesses also find it harder to manage a website, so creating a directory for this kind of business would help you as well contribute to the promotion of the business.
Also be creative! Try providing upgrades and other services, promotions etc. to keep your clientele. Always aim for growth. There might be many experienced, and wealthy competitors in the market so don’t let that intimidate you.
11. What will be the best way of promoting a local business with less budget?
Business promotion is a very crucial step to attain success and fame for your business. It is one of the initial steps made easier by the internet. But obviously, it would require a budget. However, online promotion of your business is an easy thing to do and can be done even if you are on a tight budget.
You can easily promote your business by:
- Talking about it often. Use it as a conversation starter or as a topic in an ongoing conversation. It is definitely free of cost, and it might improve your communication skills as well (not relevant).
- Spread it on social media. Use Facebook to advertise your company. Add LinkedIn, Pinterest, Facebook links wherever required
- Use letterheads and company logo in your emails.
- Blogging about your business services will also help.
Check this page for further assistance.
12. What are the best Australian directories for local business listing?
Local business listing compiles up all the business of a particular area and systematically lays it down for you like Thanksgiving dinner a dinner table. If you are looking to promote your business or else looking for a specific business I would suggest the following:
- Local Search- Ideal for local suburb businesses like trade, restaurants, cafes, travel agencies, nightclubs, salon, hotels etc.
- Yellow Pages- one of the most efficient ones in the Australian Business Directory list. Yellow pages provide details very accurately and provide the link to your website.
- Pure Local- is easy to navigate and provides a categorised listing.
- Yelp Australia- is very efficient for small trade businesses and services. The directory listings include Google Map searches, direct website and telephone links.
Hot Frog Australia- allows portfolios and addition of extra content for Australian businesses. The listings also feature product reviews.
13. What is business listing? What is the difference between a local listing and business submission?
A business listing also is known as a business directory is an online or printed document that holds all the information regarding businesses. It includes business details like business name, address, contact number, reviews, location etc.
Now to differentiate local listing and classified submission would be to explain that local listing displays the local businesses of an area and occupies a section in the web whereas classified submission covers the larger section and expedite advertising business. It is termed as one of the ideal methods of maximising your business promotion.
Check Classified submission sites.
14. I want to advertise an event in a city: should I advertise in newspaper, in magazine or online
The most optimal way to advertise an event would be online, preferably on social media. People are dead hung and addicted to Facebook, Instagram and other major social media sites and are termed as one of the best methods to popularize your event. With Facebook’s create event option you can provide the dates, venue and all the necessary details and even a small description which would provide insights to the viewers about the event.
The next best thing would be the Newspaper. The newspaper is printed and circulated daily which also features the occasional pamphlets. You can also advertise using online newspaper. Flyers and posters often hidden between those pages of the newspapers might be caught by some keen eyes.
15. How can I get local business listings in Australia?
Business listings are important and make many people aware of your business and its activities. With the internet and various websites, it is easy to get your business listed. Here is what an excellent business tells the viewer:
Local business listing is a website which lists business according to different categories. Some business listing website or also called business directories create a microsite for their client for a minimal fee, and some create a profile with existing website link. Whenever a user searches for any particular business with a location on Google, for example, if a user searches the best restaurant in Melbourne on Google he will get the link of a business directory’s restaurant page, and on that page, he will get all relevant results.
- Who you are and what your business does?
- What kind of services does your business provide?
- Which areas does your business cover?
- What sets you apart from other businesses in your area?
- How to get in touch with you?
There exist various websites which provide a detailed list of various businesses; these are commonly known as Local business listings or business directories. So if you are running a business and wish to advertise it or promote it, you will need something to spread the word.
Read this page for more information.
If you own a business in Australia and want to list your business on one of these directories to find local business directory Melbourne. Most of them offer free registration and free listing.
2. StartLocal
3. DizyLocal
4. Hotfrog
5. Yalwa
6. Yellow Pages® | Data Protection
7. DLook
8. Local Business Guide
9. OZBusiness
10. WOMO
16. Where can I find a list of all of the businesses in a specific city?
On the internet of course! To receive instant information, it is always better to look at leading search sites, for example, Google, Bing, Yahoo etc
It is very easy to get a list of business in a specific city. You can access this information from local business directories. They keep details of all local businesses. You can either select business type filter or location filter in local business directory Sydney to get list. For example, if you want to get a list of all businesses in Sydney then select a local business directory of Sydney and get all required info.
The list of all the business is readily available on local directories. These are websites which direct you to the type of business you are looking for. They even provide the details and reviews to help you decide better. They categorise their databases according to cities, type of businesses, reviews etc. You can easily use a filter to find out your best choice.